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Title: international collective book about: Migration and Development:Experiences and strategies
Authors: MORTET Sabrina
Keywords: Brain drain and brain gain, tourism and migration,
economic Growth, labor market , integration
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Publisher: GMFAMI editions
Description: This book represents an invaluable contribution to the international migration knowledge. This issue is still under-explored in Algeria, even if the media debates, from the written press to images on the internet, are quite abundant. The quality appreciation of the scientific production of these twelve contributions will be different. The coverage of this book is skewed from quite all regions of the world –(Australia, Europe, Africa, America and Asia) and offers a wide spectrum of international migration literatures. Furthermore, the authors have different scientific backgrounds: from Economics to Psychology, including history, sociology, and statistics. The issues examined encompass the effects of acculturation, integration, remittances, brain-drain, return migration, the impact of migration on the development of the origin country, the relationship between tourism and migration and, the measurement of the migrants’ stock based on the population census. These themes have become classics in the international migration literature. My purpose is not to proceed an evaluation of these contributions, that have received the acceptance from the Scientific Committee of this book. Based on these contributions, I would like to uncover three pillars, which are critical actually in the field of international migration: the multidisciplinary of approaches, the decolonization of migration knowledge-base and, the migratory movements’ measurement. The international migration knowledge requires a multidisciplinary appraisal of movements, whether regular or irregular. In this book, we have a perfect illustration of the contribution of the different disciplines to the analysis of the social condition of migrants and the socio-economic impact on both the home and the host countries. How to move from this vertical reading of disciplines to a horizontal or multidisciplinary analysis of migration? However, statistics are based on the principles of human rights. Legal norms are established on the basis of social, cultural and, even religious norms. Social integration or social inclusion is based on legal and political mechanisms, that focus on fairness rather than equality in access to public services and programs. The multidisciplinary treatment of each issue seems to me essential to breakdown the division and the isolation of disciplines. Experience has taught me that even in a multidisciplinary team, everyone works on their theme with their own concepts Most narratives on international migration are, in general, based on theories, concepts, and tools developed by analysts from the Global North. The use, not to say consumption, is it relevant for the developing societies? The literature on migrants from the countries of the South to the countries of the North is very abundant. Most students from the global South is trained northern countries. This neo-colonial literature, taken up and reproduced, in the analysis of the forms of migration between the countries of the South can contribute to distorting the observed reality. The historical concept of assimilation is a typical example of a colonial vehicle that is still powerful and travel quite easily from the North to South. This concept, developed by the colonial enterprise in America, led to the alienation and, sometimes, to the extinction of the natives. Under the French colonization in Algeria, the natives had to be assimilated in order to have the same rights as the settlers. The current politicization of migration issues in Europe, with the advance of the extreme right, attempts to impose the assimilation of migrants and their descendants (2nd and 3rd generations) to the social and cultural norms of the host countries. The acculturation, or even the alienation, is a form of dehumanization that is contrary to world Human Rights. The decolonization of migration literature remains the sole track for analysts in the countries of the South. South-South migrations are as important as South-North migrations. Thus, the migration political strategies of the South countries deserve a revision in the light of the contemporary and regional trends. In the same vein, the return migration system, another concept translated by legal rules, deserves, also, more mindfulness on scientific ethics. The case of mixed marriages (natives and foreigners) is a good illustration: who returns to whose countries? Are the children of these mixed marriages foreigners or migrants? The international migration measurement remains one of the most complex operations for all the analysts. This almost exclusive role of statisticians, requires, also, universal agreement. The 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) of the ILO (2018) has produced guidelines for the measurement of labour migration, including daily, circular and seasonal migration. The UNDESA, that produced the recommendations on the international migration measurement in 1998. This year, an initiative is launched, 20 years later, for the revision of these guidelines. Nowadays, labour migration is frequent in border areas. It is work that migrates, crosses borders, without changing countries or usual residence for workers. They are also promoted in areas of free movement, such as in the Schengen area in Europe, or in the ECOWAS area. In these areas of free movement, the mobility of workers is more relevant than labour migration.
ISBN: 978-9931-9697-2-3
Appears in Collections:مخبر ادارة الأسواق المالية باستخدام الأساليب الرياضية والاعلام الآلي

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